
We have a network of specialist centres available to us, for when cases require specific expertise.

In some cases, the complexity and nature of your pet’s condition means we require further assistance from more specialist teams of veterinary surgeons.

Pet referral teams are made up of specialists within different sectors of veterinary medicine and therefore have the most up-to-date skills and knowledge.

This set-up mirrors that within human health care, where you initially see your GP and if they cannot diagnose or treat you effectively they will refer you to a specialist who can.

Examples of why we may refer our patients include orthopaedic surgeries, CT and MRI imaging, complex medical conditions, and critical intensive care.

Following treatment at a referral centre, we can continue any patient aftercare from our practice where appropriate.

We are lucky to have several excellent centres who we can refer to in our region. If your pet requires referral, we will talk to you about the options and where would be best for your pet’s case.

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